If you’ve been reading for a while then you know I’m a big big fan of saving money where it counts and it just so happens that handmade shit is the best way to save yourself those extra little bucks where it counts! I still remember when my friend showed me her (extensive) collection of
Something I’ve realized since that day, that even though I adore the ones that I make initially, I’ve found a huge attachment and love for the ones that I get traded at shows! Plus, who doesn’t love some free, handmade goodies?!
Here are some of the best do-it-yourselfers to try!
Pony Bead Accessories
Single Kandi Bracelet
You guessed it! Learn how to make yourself some of your very own single
Perler Beads
Perler Beads: Intro
I’m not sure about anyone else but when I first started going to raves I would see all these really cute necklaces with these awesome designs! But they weren’t
Stay tuned!
There is so much more coming your way from Rave Hackers! We’ve got tutorials and how-to’s coming your way! Make sure you subscribe so you can check them out as soon as they’re live! Are there any specific tutorials/how-to’s that you guys would like to see?! Leave us a message in the ‘Note’ section when you subscribe or tell us about something else that you’d like to see on the site! Either way, let us know!