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How to Stay Hydrated at a Music Festival

Now that festival season is in full swing it’s time to talk about the ever famous topic of health and hydration. That’s right- but instead of harping on all of the things that you SHOULDN’T do, I’m going to be telling you about all of the things that you SHOULD be doing. And how to bridge the gap when sometimes the best way isn’t an option. This is the first is a huge health series that I’m going to be releasing for you all because honestly- taking care of yourself at a festival is SO IMPORTANT. And so easy if you just make a little conscious effort.

healthy festing

I by no means am a health expert, however, I am someone who is confident in their research and have personally utilized these tips below to survive several festivals over my lifetime. I’ve also linked the articles where I found specific information. I highly encourage you all to do your due diligence and do research on staying hydrated and alternative ways to do so!

Drink Enough Water/Fluids

Obviously- enough said. This is one of the easiest ones in the book, however, here’s some knowledge that I bet you DIDN’T know you should know. Cuz I sure didn’t and it honestly changed how I’m able to take care of myself at festivals! As a general rule, the average person is recommended to drink about 2 liters a day.

  • DON’T WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE ALREADY THIRSTY. By that point, you’ve lost up to 2 cups of water! Carrying around a hydration pack is a great way to stay sippin’ on that agua all day long.
  • Water makes up about 75% of the human body and is important for several bodily functions like flushing the body of ‘toxins’, maintains equilibrium, balancing hormones and supporting brain function.
  • According to Live Science, water is also responsible for taking heat away from muscles, which is what prevents organs and muscles from being damaged. It’s also what prevents heat stroke.
  • Quench that coffee/tea addiction while you’re at it- according to the National Research Council’s Food and Nutrition Board– the caffeine content discount the water/fluid inside them! *whee*
  • Obviously- avoid drinking loads of alcohol with no water. It’s a natural dehydrator and overdoing it in the summer can lead to dehydration at an even quicker rate than normal!

Hydrate at Premo Times

WHEN you drink your water is just as important as drinking it in general. It doesn’t do you any good if you try and rehydrate after you’ve already realized you’re dehydrated!

  • You should start AND end your day with 1 cup (8 fl. oz/250 ml) of water.
  • BEFORE you start your day at the festival, drink some water (target 1- 1.5 cups every 20 minutes or so before you leave for optimum hydration)
#RaveHack: If you’re going to go extended periods of time between drinks or performing strenuous activity in the heat, consider adding a sports drink to the mix. This will give you added electrolytes and carbohydrates to help rehydration.

Consider Fruits, Veggies, and Juices as a Replacement for Water

If you’re not feeling the water bus, you can also get hydration from several other sources! Fruits and veggies are a great alternative and there are tons of ones out there that are perfect for festival season.

  • It’s recommended to get about 5 cups of fruits and veggies per day (according to Live Science)
  • For juices (V8, orange juice, etc.) should be diluted to 50% juice, and 50% water. According to Live Science, this balances out the number of electrolytes and carbs to optimal absorption rates for staying hydrated
  • According to Clean Eating Mag, great fruits and veggies to consider into your festival diet due to their high water percentage are blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, lemons, bananas, watermelon, cucumber, celery, and kale.

Check Your Electrolytes, Sodium and Carbohydrate Intake

These three things are essential to remaining hydrated in the heat. Supplementing them to your diet while you’re festing is also SUPER easy- probably more so than you think!

  • Eat salty foods for your pre-festival meals, or consider adding some salt to your sports drink
  • At the end of the day, make sure to eat some protein (to aid in muscle building), carbs to refuel muscle, and electrolytes to replenish what you lost in sweat.
#RaveHack: Low-fat Chocolate milk and dried fruit and nut mixes, will give you all of the above! Protein, carbs and electrolytes.

Stay Alert for Dehydration

Relatively simple, but worth mentioning. Here are some great tips for monitoring your level of dehydration:

  • If the color of your urine is dark colored, this is an indication of dehydration. You should aim for a light yellow color, according to SportMedBC
  • Symptoms of dehydration are thirst, headache, constipation, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, irritability, cramps, vomiting, and nausea

So there you go! These are going to be the top ways that you can stay hydrated during your summer of festing! Again- I’m no health professional but I have taken the time to research this topic and bring you guys the best info I possibly can. Make sure you head over to the festival survival guides that I have up for the rest of your festin’ needs this summer! (Bonnaroo / Electric Forest).

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[…] help you get through a multi-day fest (especially if you plan on drinking alcohol), and these smart tips to stay hydrated will help you out for your next festival […]

[…] help you get through a multi-day fest (especially if you plan on drinking alcohol), and these smart tips to stay hydrated will help you out for your next festival […]

[…] help you get through a multi-day fest (especially if you plan on drinking alcohol), and these smart tips to stay hydrated will help you out for your next festival […]

[…] to get by means of a multi-day fest (particularly when you plan on consuming alcohol), and these smart tips to stay hydrated will assist you to out on your subsequent pageant […]

[…] involve standing outside in the heat for hours. Be sure to bring a refillable water bottle and keep hydrating throughout the event. Drink even more water than you think you need. Dehydration can quickly put a […]

[…] features like adjustable straps for a comfortable fit and breathable materials that keep you cool. Carrying a hydration pack helps maintain constant water intake, making it easier to stay refreshed throughout the event. Compact options, such as the Arete […]

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